“How are you?” she asked. He usually says, “Good.” But today, his eyes were dark, almost bruised underneath. His hair was a mess. “How are you?” she repeated. His only response was a five second sigh. Inexpressible exasperation. You feel like you’re carrying a backpack full of rocks and you’re not allowed to put it down. Pandemic anxiety. Masks and vaccines. Political toxicity. 9/11 remembrance. Afghan tragedy. Hurricane devastation. Future uncertainty. Families fractured . . . It is a moment in history when only a sigh will work. There are no words. At times like these, I’d like to make a case for revival. I know. You’re thinking of a big tent revival with a fired up charismatic preacher shouting and sweating behind a podium. But “revive” is a biblical word. It means to “restore to life” or “to give new strength or energy.” I want to show you this word in the Bible and how you can use it in your life. Psalm 85 is a Psalm of revival, and it follows a particular pattern that gives us insight into the word “revive.” First, the Psalm remembers the past, what God has done: “LORD, you were favorable to your land; you restored the fortunes of Jacob.” (Ps. 85:1) We know someone by their actions. You trust your best friend because they’ve proven themselves over time. They showed up when you were in the hospital. They watched your kids when you were sick. They came to your game when no one else would. It’s the same with God. We know who he is by what he has done. He has proven himself consistently over time.
The second part is to ask God to do it again. “Revive us again” (Ps. 85:6). God, we know what you did in the past. Do it again. Do it now. Do it in our time and place. This is the pattern of revival. (Another example is Habakkuk 3:2.) 1.) Remember what God has done in the past. 2.) Call on him to do it again. Here and now. It’s like the Lord’s prayer. We pray, “Thy kingdom come.” “Thy will be done.” Martin Luther commented that of course God’s kingdom and will can happen apart from our prayer. He doesn’t need our prayer to do his will. So why pray? Luther says, “But we pray in this petition that it may also be done among us.” Father, bring your Kingdom here, now. Do your will here, now. This is a furnace season, a time of testing. Under stress, many things break. But these are precisely the times when God brings about revival and renewal. I may be accused by fellow Lutherans of being a Pentecostal, but will you join me in a prayer for revival? God, we’ve seen a sea split in two so your people could escape. God, we remember the wicked giant who fell at the feet of a shepherd boy. God, we’ve seen the rainbow and the promise it guarantees. Revive us again. Do it here, now. Jesus, we remember how you subdued a violent storm with a word. Jesus, we know the time you wiped mud on a blind man’s eyes and he could see. Jesus, we know demons flee at your command. Revive us again. Do it here, now. Jesus, we saw you on the cross. We know our sinful pollution put you there. When the odds were a million to one. When you breathed a last breath, a final sigh. But we know it was not your last breath. Resurrection. Restoration. Redemption. Revival. O Lord, we pray, revive us again. Amen.
John Eckrich
9/15/2021 07:15:45 am
As one who has gone through multiple surgical procedures and ills this is such a timely and powerful prayer. Each time I face a new procedure I ask, “Lord, I know you’ve pulled me through so many tough times. Can you do it once more…please. “ But I also pray (perhaps more quietly, “Thy will be done,” because there will be a time when God says, “I’d rather have you here in heaven with my Son.” Thy will be done, Lord.
Mark Kinnard
9/15/2021 07:43:13 am
These words need to penetrate all of our thinking. Proof positive that what ever one man can say like Jesus did, it can heal that which is broken. We need all the help God could send to us.
Carol B Buckman
9/16/2021 06:27:34 am
We pray that God will give you health and strength and you will be here for many years to share your gentle wisdom. Thanks for the reminder to say the tough words, Thy will be done! Carol Buckman
Pat Maier
9/15/2021 09:39:39 am
I needed this today. Thank you.
Margo Buettner
9/15/2021 10:12:07 am
Frank Renna
9/15/2021 10:24:07 am
Thanks I needed this and GOD bless you for reaching out to the masses. Words of guidance are always appreciated.
Kathy Pongracz
9/15/2021 10:32:10 am
What a powerful prayer! Comments are closed.
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