The month of January is named after the Roman god Janus. Janus has one head but two faces, each turned in opposite directions. Janus is the god of doors, gates, and transitions. So January is aptly named, a time to look back and gaze forward. We all have Janus moments in life where we stand in a doorway between two rooms. We pause at a pivotal moment between two seasons of life. We can’t stay in the doorway. We need to set down our things and settle in a room. But there are times where we feel “in between" two places. A move. A loss. Job transition. Going off to college. A relationship change. A death. Leaving home. Retirement. Illness or injury. Marriage. Children growing up and moving on. Doorway moments are uncomfortable for two reasons. First, there is grief because you’re leaving something behind. The room you came from is one you can never go back to. Like childhood, there is no reverse. Life is a series of “necessary losses" as you leave one stage and move on to the next. Second, there is uncertainty (and even fear) because you’re entering uncharted territory. The next room is one you have not been in before. It’s foreign and the furniture is strange. It takes time to orient yourself to the new reality. So what do we do in these doorway times of life? Like Janus, we must look back and look forward at the same time. Looking back: What has ended? Can I let it go? Can I thank God for this and move ahead? Looking forward: What new thing is emerging and beginning? What is God doing in this new season? What should I lean into? Dag Hammarskjold wrote a prayer that sums this up: For all that you have done, thank you! For all that you will do, yes!" Thank God for what has been and what you’ve come through, even the fires. And anticipate with faith the things that will come. Keep your eyes on the horizon and your hand in the Lord’s. “My times are in your hands" (Ps. 31:15).
Doorway moments are more about faith than strategy. Your reason will not get you through. Your God will. Doorway moments are both an end and a beginning. This is the Christian life, a series of deaths and resurrections, of grief and gain. As you stand on the threshold, happy January!
Mark Zimmermann
1/6/2023 07:47:20 am
Thank you, Jeff, for these meaningful and appropriate words that really capture where we are at this time. I appreciate your insights.
Patricia Delunas
1/6/2023 07:54:13 am
Thank you Pastor Jeff. Needed that reminder that there is grief but we must move forward with God’s help. Read a devotion at Women’s Guild yesterday to take one day at a time. Peace and Happy 2023.
Jennifer Hummel
1/6/2023 07:59:26 am
This really speaks to me on a couple of levels. Sometimes I feel the time is moving so fast, there is not enough of it to fully transition. Leaving doubt. We must remember to rely on God. Thank you for this post. 1/6/2023 08:53:10 am
Thanks Pastor Jeff! This was very relevant to me personally
Pastor Tim Barone
1/6/2023 09:11:26 am
Thanks for the guided reflection Jeff!
Carol B Buckman
1/6/2023 09:25:51 am
Resurrected from my AOL spam folder -PTL!
Bee Parsons
1/6/2023 09:48:38 am
Thankyou Jeff, need this reminder.
Craig Engelbrecht
1/6/2023 10:10:22 am
Thank you Jeff for this insightful lead-off into the new year. Great to hear from you!
Mark Kinnard
1/6/2023 10:20:45 am
You Hit that one out of the Park’
Jack Pfitzer
1/6/2023 10:53:45 am
Your thoughts regarding Janus and life as a series of closed doors and new, open pathways are so welcome. Reminds me of a poster I saw recently: Plan A is always our first choice. It’s the one where everything works out; but so often everything does not go as it should. That’s why there’s Plan B. It’s what life is all about - how you handle Plan B.
Pat Maier
1/6/2023 11:44:04 am
Thank you, Jeff -- I just read this with David & your words are just the encouragement we needed to hear in our time of transition. We thank God for your sharing.
Christine Brown
1/6/2023 02:51:44 pm
Pastor Jeff,
Anna J
1/21/2023 05:22:53 am
Gratitude for your past year of leadership and blessings as God continues to guide you in the next one. — ALJ Comments are closed.
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