On this day, the 11th of September, we remember the year 2001. Wicked men perpetrated a ruthless act. Today the world is focused on a wicked man from Damascus in Syria. A man willing to damn his own people. What shall we do with such a cruel man? How shall we respond to such ruthless brutality? The kings and rulers of the world debate.
There was once another wicked man who traveled to Damascus in Syria. He too would damn his own people. To that man, God inflicted a unilateral air strike. It disabled Saul, brought him to his knees and blinded his eyes. God meant this for more than just punitive action. His judgement had greater ends. Can God turn wickedness for some kind of good? Can a terrorist become a bearer of peace? Mercy confounds us. Only God could do such a strange thing with a wicked man. Wicked men are damned. "Their end will correspond to their deeds." Yet God can deliver the damned. And before the scandal of this thought agitates my inner justice, I must remember that I live by the same mercy that can redeem a wicked man. Acts 9; II Cor. 11:15; II Cor. 12:9 Comments are closed.
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