We crowded around a table at Katie's Pizzeria in Clayton for lunch on a hazy St. Louis afternoon. The four Regeneration presenters sat down to hash out the details of the upcoming summit in St. Louis October 7-8. The Professor, the Latin American Missionary, the Business Guy, and the Irish College Director. Add myself and the Youth Guy, and it was an odd conglomeration that got stares from the busy lunch crowd at Katie's. The Irish guy was peculiarly difficult and asked for water without ice . . . Europeans. With the theme of "Walls," the summit is a little over a week away. Dr. Andy Bartelt: "Everything flows from our ecclesiology. Who are we as church? We have to get past our institutional definitions." Jon Graf: "People only get busier and over committed. How will we carry out the mission with a people impoverished for time and money?" Robert Millar: "What do people perceive when Christians seem to be playing out a Jerry Springer episode?" Mark Kempff: "Statistics are coming out that last year there were more Hispanic babies born in the U.S. than white babies. Changing demographics are creating greater isolation and polarization. An example is 'white anxiety.' But the church must ask, 'Who is my neighbor?' The answer is, 'Who isn't?'" All in all, this table at Katie's was a riot. There was almost a fight. There were tears of laughter. A rousing rendition of "A Mighty Fortress." And then hugs to go around. Hope you can join this table of hoodlums October 7-8. Comments are closed.
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