In a recent Twitter Q&A, Pastor Tim Keller was asked, "Why do you think young Christian adults struggle most deeply with God as a personal reality in their lives?" Keller responded, "It is easier to Tweet than pray." There is only slight irony in the fact that he tweeted this response.
In 2014, I'm giving renewed focus to my prayer life. Not as a duty or obligation, but out of a desire to trust God more fully. I find it so hard to focus. My life is filled with inordinate amounts of noise and distraction. Even in a quiet moment, the nuerons in my brain are scheming. Technology appears to have shortened our attention span and ability to focus. With social media, we're always thinking about what to say instead of listening to what's being said. Guiding my prayer life at this time is I Samuel 3:10 when young Samuel is awoken by a mysterious voice he thinks is his mentor, Eli. "Speak, O Lord, for your servant is listening." He surrenders. He opens his eardrums and heart. The older I get, the harder my hearing is. I'm weary of meaningless words. Speak, Lord. I'm listening. Comments are closed.
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