Even if I knew that tomorrow the whole world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree." - Martin Luther Is it worth all the work? How much difference does it make? What do I do when I want to quit? Plant a tree. It's not easy, but it's worth it. Few people are willing to plant because it takes time. We prefer immediate results and quick returns. Are you willing to labor for fruit that you may never taste? Are you willing to work for results that will sprout decades or generations later?
Few people are willing to plant because it requires selflessness: No profit. No pride. You are the nameless farmer who labors for a harvest that’s beyond you. Your return on investment is not measured by personal gain, but by how much can be given to others. Few are willing to plant because it takes faith: Present conditions often discourage us from planting. The future is so fragile. Tenuous. "It will never take." "It's too much work." "He/she is not worth the effort." Thank God that someone planted in a previous day. Thank God for investments made in perilous seasons. Thank God for fathers and mothers who've gone before us in faith. Today is our orchard. Now is our time. We are farmers of supernatural fields. We yearn for more trees and more fruit. God, give us prolific plenty. ". . . the seed sprouts and grows; he knows not how." (Mark 4:27) What will you plant today that will bear fruit beyond you? Teach kids. Set up a foundation or trust. Start a new ministry. Volunteer. Set up or update your will. Make sure you have a preamble, a statement of faith. Pray for future generations yet unborn. Mentor someone younger. Write a book. Invest in a relationship. What other trees can you plant today that will bear fruit tomorrow?
Jerry L Jiter
11/25/2019 06:15:27 pm
I teach. Comments are closed.
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