A majority of Americans say that they are unhappy with the choices in this year's presidential election. That seems obvious. But can anything good come from a divisive election cycle? There's an old saying, "Never waste a good crisis." So what good can we see in a messy political crisis? For Christians, one positive of this election year is a re-calibrated focus. For too long, many Christians have obsessed about politics. Too many have put their trust in campaigns and not God's providential care.
Our hope is not in a candidate or a party. Scripture is filled with failed administrations and scoundrel kings. Even the "golden age" of King David and Solomon was marred by scandal. Here is what we learn: Even our best leaders let us down. Even our worst leaders can be used by God. So pray. Vote. Don't panic. No matter who is elected, you are still called to be: An extraordinary neighbor. A responsible citizen. A faithful witness. A trusted friend. A steadfast follower the universal King, Jesus. No government can do this for us. Christians have lived faithful lives under many governments. And we'll continue to do so.
11/2/2016 08:06:39 am
Thanks, I needed that! 11/7/2016 12:03:57 pm
AMEN! Fully agreed! The media will never provide this for us. Knowing that whoever gets the White House tomorrow may be a bad President forces us to depend on God more than if we get a good leader. No matter who gets in at the top of the ticket, or down ballot, God's got this one! Praise Him!
11/7/2016 08:21:48 pm
This email and comments has truly taken away the angst I've been feeling regarding this election. I need to remind myself that God is in charge and yes, his will be done. Amen Comments are closed.
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