Stop for a moment. Look at the device and the platform upon which you are reading these words. An unintended (or maybe intended) consequence of our technology is that it instigates comparative competition. We can’t help but size up our own lives in comparison to what we see of others. “How is her family so picture perfect?” “Why don’t I look like that?” “Why haven’t I gotten another degree?” “I wish I was on the beach in February.” “Why am I not married yet? Will I ever be?” Put aside the fact that you are often seeing a constructed reality. Life is generally not as good as the pictures we post. Your life is a unique creation of God, not a picture. You dare not be a parody of someone else’s curated self. You have shoes that are uniquely your own. Don’t try to fit in someone else’s. So turn off the screen, put those shoes on, and start walking the distinct life that God has willed only for you. “Criticism of others is thus an oblique form of self-commendation. We think we can make the picture hang straight on our own wall by telling our neighbor that all his pictures are crooked.” - Fulton Sheen
Mark Zimmermann
2/7/2023 07:16:49 am
Thanks for this great reminder, Jeff!
Craig Engelbrecht
2/7/2023 07:17:00 am
Great message Pastor Jeff!
Yolanda Spivey
2/7/2023 07:28:37 am
Great post! Thanks for the timely reminder Pastor.
Kathy Pongracz
2/7/2023 07:39:46 am
What a great analogy Pastor Jeff.
Edward Momoh Kollie
2/7/2023 09:35:59 am
"You have shoes that are uniquely your own. Don’t try to fit in someone else’s."
Terry Kurash
2/7/2023 12:40:00 pm
My bunions are a direct result of trying to wear other peoples shoes!
Cheryl Hennkens
2/7/2023 01:26:22 pm
Thank you so much for this reminder Pastor Jeff! Just what I needed to hear and share with my family!
Mark Kinnard
2/7/2023 02:06:45 pm
You should have played baseball you sure do it a lot of home runs.
Jennifer Hummel
2/8/2023 05:25:00 am
Great reminder. Quote going up in my office. Thank you. Comments are closed.
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