There are numerous challenges in this pandemic. Medical. Economic. Educational. Political. With plans for re-entry slowly unfolding, I see a bigger underlying challenge: People. People are thinking about how they will transition to a new normal, and I’ve already seen the tension. Fear, anger, and arrogance will exacerbate the health and financial hurdles we’re already facing. There are different views about the right course of action. Some say, “They can’t tell me what do to. I’ll do what I want. It’s my right!” Others say, “I’m not going out for two years. And if you do, you’re wrong!" St. Paul gives us a helpful posture as we all prepare to reenter. (Phil. 2:3-4) In humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” In a crisis, it’s easy to think only of yourself. Self preservation and survival are human defaults. We ask, “What about me? What about my rights? What about my future?”
Humility is when it’s not about you. Or, it’s not about you first. We ask, “What about them? What about his rights? What about her future? What do they need?” As we begin to return, I ask you to do it with humility. Christian humility says, “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Just because you have the right, doesn’t mean it’s right.” “Consider the interests of others.” It’s one thing to be healthy, financially secure, and able to work from home. Consider: Those most vulnerable to the virus. Those disproportionally affected by health and economic factors. Those who have to go to work in high risk places. Those who live in densely populated urban centers. Those who live in rural and agricultural regions. Those overlooked and left behind. Be safe. Be wise. Be patient. Be gracious. Be humble enough to “consider the interests of others.” Philippians 2:1-11
4/28/2020 08:50:29 am
Amen Pastor - The next trail we walk will be as significant as the last - Thank you Lord for the opportunities you provide us to be Your hands and feet!
4/28/2020 10:47:16 am
Agree with TED 100%, couldn’t have said it better ❤️ To all our staff!
craig a baker
4/28/2020 04:30:51 pm
r we going to have church may 10th
4/28/2020 10:40:23 pm
Humbled by your message. Comments are closed.
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