C.S. Lewis once wrote, “I don’t believe that good work is ever done in a hurry.” As we face a New Year, we all have “good work” that we’d like to accomplish. A turn of the calendar is a restart on resolutions and relationships. You have a lot of good things you want to accomplish in 2017. But there’s a problem. You’re in in too much of a hurry. The “good work” of the law is summarized by Jesus in the Great Commandment: “Love God . . . and love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:37-39). You can’t live the Great Commandment and be in a hurry.
Loving your neighbor as yourself requires humility and sacrifice. These take TIME, and we’re in a drought of this precious commodity. We lack the patience and persistence required to walk a long road. There are things we must do for which there is no short cut. No quick fix. No fast track. No microwave. No multi-tasking, getting-it-done-efficiently. You have important work placed before you this year. You will need: Humility: I recognize that my capacity is limited. I can’t do it all. I’m not God. Focus: I can only do a few things really well. I can't be in a frenzied rush. I can’t afford to be distracted or overcommitted. So I’ll redouble my focus on the few people and tasks God has called me to. Trust: I won’t be able to do everything. And I’ll fail along the way. So I’ll trust God with my gaps and shortfalls. Time: The task is too big to be done in a hurry. My callings are too important to be rushed. So I’ll be patient and persistent. God’s peace to you in the New Year as you accomplish all the "good work" he has set before you.
Grace Fiehler
1/5/2017 07:05:55 pm
I pray God will help me to be patient, humble, trustworthy, and I ask that he gives me the time I need to do what I must and want to do. Comments are closed.
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