It Is Finished Week 1
If you’ve ever had to say goodbye to someone, you treasure the last words spoken. You remember what was said. You hold on to those final words. For Lent in 2021, we are focusing on the last words of Jesus from the cross. What did he say? What does it mean for us? How do those words change us? This week, we hear a word of forgiveness from the cross. Jesus said of those who were executing him, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34)
*note: Sunday – Tuesday are a follow up to Mission Sunday and our It Is Finished theme begins on Ash Wednesday
*note: Sunday – Tuesday are a follow up to Mission Sunday and our It Is Finished theme begins on Ash Wednesday

Today is Sunday and we consider the mission God has given to us as His disciples. Follow this pattern.
Today is Sunday and we consider the mission God has given to us as His disciples. Follow this pattern.

Follow this pattern for Tuesday as we consider the mission God has given us.
Follow this pattern for Tuesday as we consider the mission God has given us.